Welcome to The Birth Junkie Podcast

Welcome to The Birth Junkie Podcast, everyone is invited to the space where we dive into real raw and awe-inspiring conversations about all things pregnancy birth postpartum infertility, and VBAC.

I'm your host Petra Cruz, I'm a doula and a mom. I'm obsessed with all things birth and I'm also super passionate about helping you navigate through the binge-worthy as well as the hard seasons that you kind of wish you could just press fast forward on.

I'll teach you what I've learned along the way as well as share expert interviews to help you build confidence, self-awareness and so much more!

Some topics we cover are how to overcome people pleasing in pregnancy, how to stop fearing your upcoming birth, giving birth the way you want despite your practitioner's recommendations and there's no sugar coating here. These are just some of the things I wish I knew before I started having babies.

You will hear from birth workers and parents who want to share their successes and also their failures with you and try to make your life easier. You might be wondering, Why did I start this podcast? Well, I want to so help spread information that I wish I had before I ever got pregnant with my first baby and help others get their stories out there to inspire and help other parents as they make their entrance into parenthood.

Before I gave birth to my fourth baby I had never realized that I had been coerced and gaslighted into having unnecessary interventions in my pregnancy and the birth of all of my babies.

I had 3 unnecessary c-sections that I was made to believe were necessary. In having these experiences I struggled with depression, self-doubt and I just beat myself up for not being able to do what my body was made to do.

I want you to feel seen and heard, I want you to realize that your feelings are valid and normal. The medical model has made us believe that we need them to get pregnant and give birth, that we need to be saved by them and sure, in some cases, medical intervention can be helpful or lifesaving but from my personal experiences, it's not always with your best interest in mind.

I want to shed light on the fact that postpartum is forever and we are forever changed by becoming pregnant whether we have a baby in our arms or not.

If you're ready to hear raw, unfiltered, and real-life stories of struggles and triumphs and learn a thing or two along the way, then come with me and get so excited because we're going to talk about the things you didn't even realize you struggle with and how to practically apply these lessons to your own life.

I Want to normalize the fact that parenthood isn't always cupcakes and rainbows, but also celebrate the beauty of the messiness along the way.

I want you to join these conversations on my page and I would love to hear your suggestions for future topics or even have you as my next guest!

I Can't wait for us to get to know each other better and join me on this incredible journey, This is the Birth Junkie podcast!


People Pleasing in Pregnancy & Life